Sam Hober Tie Guide
All of our ties are custom made in the length, width, shape and construction that you request.
1) Think about the silks that you are interested in. If you are not sure which silk you want usually your first thoughts will be correct.
Each silk (in both the thumbnail and the detailed product description) will have an item number, for example: EPDT-6.
We try our best to have our photos show true colors, however, individual monitors will always have variances.
Swatches are available to order if you need an exact color.
2) Next to consider is the length and width that you prefer.
57 inches is an average length for a man that is around 5'9" tall that uses a four-in-hand knot. Depending on your height and body type you may need a longer or shorter tie. The more traditional ties range in width from 3.25 inches to 3.75 inches wide at the widest.
A larger gentleman who is ordering longer ties may wish to have wider ties. A classic width in America is 3.75 inches. Your tie width is a personal choice with no rules to follow but a good guideline is to match your body size - not your lapel width. The reason is we hope that you will use your Sam Hober tie for many years and we feel fashion should not be the primary basis for your tie width - but it can be a contributing factor.
Please note that it is normal for your tie to have a slight variation in its measurements after its trip to reach you. After you wear your tie a few times it will adjust its shape and should be just right.
With a luxury hand made tie such as ours there will be variations in width and length of roughly 1/4 to 1/2 inch in length and 1/8 to 1/4 inch in width when measured from day to day; and also there may be variations when we measure compared to how you measure.
Our variance in your finished tie is about 1/4 inch in length and 1/8 inch in width.
3) After thinking about your width you need to consider the main type of knot that you prefer.
For example the classic four-in-hand or half-Windsor, and whether you like a small or large knot. Note a narrow tie such as those less than 3.5 inches wide will normally have a smaller knot.
Note: Grenadine ties work best with a four-in-hand knot as it is a loose weave and naturally makes a large knot - you can use a Windsor knot if you like large knots. Making a grenadine knot smaller by making it tightly is possible but might lessen the life of the tie due to abrasion.
4) What type of construction you prefer.
A standard lined 3-fold tie works very well in almost all situations.
Lined four-fold ties are a good construction for grenadine ties as the even number of folds helps the durability of the tie.
Six-fold ties are an elegant construction which are good when you prefer a heavier tie and want to enhance the drape of a tie.
Unlined seven-fold ties are elegant ties that will not have the wrinkle resistance of a lined tie and will tend to have smaller knots. they are a good choice when you admire the craftsmanship of their construction or like the more relaxed soft construction look
5) Special requests for your tie's shape.
We normally suggest a classic well proportioned shape.
However, if your collar type is usually quite wide we can make your tie's shape wider in the middle where you knot your tie. Or we can do the reverse and make the knot area narrower.
If you know the pattern you want us to create please let us know:
For ties up to 57 inches long the width at 15, 18, 23 and 26 inches from the tip.
For ties from 57 to 58 inches long the width at 15.5, 18.5, 23.5 and 26.5 inches from the tip.
For ties from 58 to 59 inches long the width at 16, 19, 24 and 27 inches from the tip.
For ties from 59 to 60 inches long the width at 16.5, 19.5, 24.5 and 27.5 inches from the tip.
For shorter or longer ties email for help.
6) To determine the correct tie length.
First, please measure untied your best fitting tie from tip to tip.
Next, tie your tie and note how many inches from your belt the big and small ends are.
Our goal is to have the large end when you are wearing your tie be in the area of your belt (or where you prefer it if you are wearing braces), and for the small end to be 2 inches above the large end. Occasionally some gentlemen prefer for the big and small ends to be of equal length we do not suggest this but will be happy to make any length that you wish.
So for example if your tie is 57 inches tip to tip and when wearing your tie the big end is roughly on your belt buckle and the small end is 2 inches higher 57 inches is a good length.
If the small end is 4 inches above the big end add 2 inches (57+2=59) to get a good length of 59 inches.
If the small end is below your big end then your tie is too long and you would subtract. So for example if your small end is 3 inches below your belt you would subtract 5 inches to get a length of (57-5 = 52) 52 inches.
As an example if you have a length that you like for a four-in-hand knot, we generally will add two inches to the four-in-hand length for a half-Windsor or 3 inches for a full Windsor knot.
We can adjust the height of your keeper, but we don't suggest this as we carefully put the keeper in the best position. (The keeper is the loop that holds the small end of the tie.)
Also depending on the fabric and how often you wear your tie the fabric can stretch - especially grenadines and other loose weaves. It is not possible to say in advance how much your tie will stretch this depends on how tight your knot is, how often you wear your tie and the length of your tie - long ties above 60 inches will stretch more.
We measure ties turned on their back gently pressing down. It is not uncommon for our measurements to be slightly different than yours.
If your tie and measuring tape (or ruler etc.) is not perfectly straight your measurements will not match ours.
Please note that you can't use an old tie or one from another maker as a reference point as old ties tend to stretch and other makers may or may not be accurate in their measurements.
7) Please let us know if you have a preference for the direction that your stripes have.
The American style* has the stripes starting from the high left and going to the low right (looking at the wearer) and the British style* is typically (but not always) the opposite. We will use the American style unless you request the British style.
Typically in the USA the American style is used. Some gentlemen prefer the British style as they like the aesthetics of the British look, although there exists the possibility that you will create ill will if you do not have "membership" rights to certain ties.
Many American gentlemen have philosophically decided that in the USA anything goes but while in Great Britain they will be much more careful with what they wear.
Please note that the photographs of our striped silks are only examples as we do not have any ready-made ties for sale, and we will make the stripes go in the direction that you request if we have enough silk on hand. We have an extra charge for the British direction.
* We use the terms "American" and "British" styles in a general way.
8) The interlining of your tie.
We use a very luxurious 100% Italian wool interlining for our ties.
We also can add cotton interlinings if a tie needs extra thickness, but not much extra weight.
Keep in mind that the weight of the silk that you select and the tie's construction will be the major influence on your tie's weight not the interlining.
9) Please let us know any questions that you may have.
The news section of our online store has information on the time it will take for your tie to be made. If you are going to a wedding or important meeting please let us know and we will try to make your tie faster.
Some additional information.
What is a custom made tie?
A custom made tie is a tie where you pick your fabric, the type of tie construction as well as the length, shape and width of your tie.
The weight of your tie will be determined by your silk, your tie's construction, and the tie's interlining.
You will be able to have a conversation with your tie maker and the tie will be made very slowly with the highest level of attention to detail.
What is a bespoke tie?
A bespoke tie is exactly the same as a custom tie. "Bespoke" is a traditional British term which historically meant that a certain piece of fabric was spoken for.
What is a made to order or made to measure tie?
A tie that is made to order will typically have a limited number of choices for fabric and construction. Also interaction with the actual tie maker will be limited so you can't have a conversation obout knots and shapes.
How accurate are your Sam Hober website colors?
We can't say exactly what you see on your screen as all monitor settings and situations are different - even on the same day colors can look different - morning vs evening light etc..
We can say that we use Apple monitors and on our monitors the color is very close. On our monitors the colors may be slightly darker than real life.
For Windows monitors perhaps a bit darker than on a Mac screen.
So our colors are very close to real life but you should consider ordering swatches if you need an exact color.
Sam Hober Ties:
Sam Hober's tie making is done by hand in our workshop in Thailand.
All our ties are custom made or "bespoke". Which means that we listen carefully to what you need. We do not make made to order or made to measure ties.
Then we work very slowly on your ties to get all the small details correct.
The Hober family business has been making clothes for over 50 years; and raising silk worms and weaving silk for hundreds of years.
We put our heart into every tie.
We welcome all suggestions and ideas.
Please feel free to ask as many questions as you like.
David Hober
What is a 7-fold tie?
Please note that there is a great deal of confusion regarding "7-fold ties." A classic 7-fold tie is made with seven actual folds and no interlining or tipping. The silk in a classic 7-fold tie can range from very thin to thick. An unlined 7-fold tie will not have the wrinkle resistance of a lined tie.
In Italy what is commonly called a "7-fold tie," is usually a lined 6-fold tie. A lined 6-fold tie is a very nice tie. It has the elegance of a 7-fold tie, yet the wrinkle resistance of a lined tie.
Where do you place the bar tack and keeper on a 6-fold or 7-fold tie?
Typically we place the bar tack and keeper on the big end (not the small end)of our 6 and 7-fold ties a bit higher up, to allow the folds to clearly show.
Please note that we hand-fold our multi-fold ties and that there is a small variance of roughly 1/2 an inch in where we place the keeper.
The keeper's position will have a subtle influence on the length of your tie in that where the small end of the tie ends up will effect how you tie your tie.
Options for your custom made tie include but are not limited to:
1) Different silk for the tipping and/or keeper.
2) The shape that you prefer.
3) Multi-fold constructions, depending on the thickness and texture of the silk.
4) Tie thread colors.
5) Monogrammed keepers.